Challenge: Reestablish Trivial Pursuit as an icon of pop culture.
Insight: Learning what you know and what you knew you knew is frustratingly sublime.
Solution: Promote the joyful aggravation of the tip-of-the-tongue syndrome in everyday life.
A free mobile app available on all platforms that provides a daily dose of cheese-dom and offers players a chance to test their knowledge with mini-games.
Live Web Series
A different set of six players will be recorded playing a full game of Trivial Pursuit every month. Their game will be broadcast live online with interviews with each player before and after with the players sizing up their competition and explaining their strategy for the game.
During the game play-by-play and color commentary will be added by two announcers while online viewers can communicate with one another in the chatroom and vote on who they think will win.
Players are encouraged to share their game-winning questions and answers accompanied by the sponsored hashtag.
Tweeted questions and answers are then assembled into special edition “Twitter” cards.
These can be printed and put on display or used during official games of Trivial Pursuit.
Out of Home and Experiential
Trivial Pursuit questions are printed on free paper coasters with a QR code patrons can scan to reveal the answers.
After scanning the QR code, players will be promoted to share their experience on Facebook and Twitter.
Coasters will be supplied to food courts in malls, eateries restaurants, coffee shops and bars.
Six staircase advertisements are installed in high traffic areas featuring Trivial Pursuit questions. A sign is placed at the top landing of each staircase with a QR code. The code links to a mobile website that allows users to enter answers to the questions on their staircase and earn a virtual cheese wedge.
Stair-Top Placards
Users are then encouraged to tweet or post on Facebook about their answer and where they found the staircase.
Before they leave the website, they are presented with six drop pins on a map (forming a cheese wheel shape) and encouraged to find the other stairways to test their knowledge and complete the cheese wheel.
Once completed, users can enter a sweepstakes to appear as an additional guest announcer on the web series.