Andrew Burke
I’ve been called a wordsmith, a magician, and a unicorn, but I’ve always just been someone who values the time of consumers.
I am A Copywriter
I am A Cinephile
I am A Three-Item List Lover
I wield pen and keyboard to craft content worthy of someone’s time.
Sometimes it’s a story, sometimes it’s a few bullets, but I make sure it’s always engaging.
I don’t write ads; I write entertainment...brought to you by benevolent sponsors.
World's Youngest Person
Runner-Up in 2nd Grade Math Bee
Pokémon League Champion
Saw Five Movies in One Day in Theaters
Resident of New York City
Made Perfectly Fluffy Rice (Once)
Overcame Fear of Flying (5x)
November 2020 - Present
Weaving major brands into the Amazon canvas
January 2017 - November 2020
Senior Copywriter - Brand, Social & Marketing
Framing and composing narratives for brands
June 2015 - January 2017
Copywriter - Brand, UX & Marketing
Embedded joy in every customer interaction
AY Digital
March 2013 - June 2015
Copywriter - Digital, Social & Marketing
Digitized the connections between people and brands
August 2012 - March 2013
Junior Copywriter - SEO & Email
Talked up products to customers and crawlers
June - September 2011
Junior Copywriter - Digital
Made local business personal
Baruch College
Zicklin School of Business
New York, NY
Pitched in on pitches & projects
Cloudberry Creative
Copywriter - Web & Digital
GNF Marketing
Copywriter - Print & Marketing
Stories about the stories we read, watch, and share
IMDb Reviews
250-word reviews of the top 250 movies of all time
Font People
Digital portraits drawn with different typefaces
Microsoft Digital Advertising Challenge
Undergraduate Runner-Up - 2009
Enrolled Microsoft Office 365 in college