
The Sweeter Side of Breakfast

Create a platform for Nutella that appeals to current and potential consumers with a focus on young adults and moms.

Nutella can enrich more than breakfast; it can improve a consumer's overall mood. 

Demonstrate all the different ways in which Nutella can have a positive impact in a consumer's diet and life.

Print Ads

First Run Ads

Explore the big and small ways Nutella makes everything better. 


Second Run Print & Posters

Reinforce Nutella's ability to improve nearly everything and explore the limits of "nearly." 


Outdoor Billboards and Posters


Food Service Industry

A partnership with a popular breakfast destination such as Dunkin Donuts or Panera bread is established. They begin to include Nutella as a topping and build a breakfast sandwich around it. 


A hotel chain could be selected to replace the mints they place on pillows with single serve Nutella packets. Each room would receive a note about how travel can be a lot of fun but can also be lonely and that Nutella is there to help. 

Nutella & Go Subway Posters


A site with recipes for breakfasts, snacks, lunches and full meals that feature Nutella. Additionally, the site connects with Facebook and Twitter allowing fans to share their stories about the versatility of Nutella. 

Furthermore, the site will feature weekly/bi-weekly/monthly digital videos highlighting a new and interesting way to improve a meal, snack, or situation with Nutella. 

Nutella News

Nutella will sponsor news stories at the end of news programs.( e.g. fluff pieces or The Daily Show's Moment of Zen) The stories will then be reprinted as full page ads in college newspapers that replicate the look and feel of the newspapers in which they appear. 


Nutella creates a youtube series/cooking show with kid judges where moms compete. They have to use Nutella to create a tasty breakfast. The winner gets a cash prize and Nutella. The losers get a case of Nutella. The winning recipes are then added to the Nutella website under the proof page.