Saving the World, One Meal at a Time.
Bareburger wanted to explore an online delivery and reservation solution for their customers.
Focus on the idea that small acts of heroism lead to large acts of good and capitalize on the quirky and family friendly capital of the Bareburger brand.
Invite their fans and their young families to do good in the world by eating right.
Digital Marketing
Ads and marketing materials were created introducing a superhero team, The League of Meats, who want ordinary citizens to find the hero within and help them save the world.
Banner Ads
Continuing Engagement
After a user visited and interacted with the Barebuger landing page, that hero gained a devoted following of ads that either implored them to use their powers to change the world or congratulated them on a job well done. All users who engaged with Barebuger would receive emails when new members and burgers joined the League of Meats.
Remarketing - Order
Remarketing - Reserve
Campaign Evolution Email
Meet the League
On the landing page, users learned what it takes to change the world for the better and how they could make a difference every day. As users explored the page, they learned the origin stories of each member of the League of Meats.
Point of Sale
In-Restaurant Promotion
The League of Meats used Bareburger locations as recruitment centers to enlist ready, willing and able customers in the good fight and have them use to place orders and reservations.
Table Tents
Ever present and vigilant, The League of Meats and Bareburger table tents invited patrons, young and old, to eat better online.
With every meal, customers were given stickers they could proudly wear or display letting the world know they stand for organic, all-natural meats.
Trading Cards
Limited edition League of Meats trading cards were given out with meals letting children of all ages battle it out with superfoods and superpowers.
Every table at Bareburger was protected by The League of Meats and gave them the opportunity to spread their message of free food, free shakes and free-range love.
Delivery Bags
All bags leaving Bareburger acted as a message to evil scientists around the city that no matter how hard they tried, they and their GMOs would never win—not as long as there were good people making a conscious effort to eat better.